How do I add dates & times to an online class?

Adding dates and times is easy.

"Do you have regular dates for your class?"

1. No!

If you don't have dates scheduled that the class runs, and you are open for customers to request a date and time, then your answer is no. This will take you to enable our "Flexitime" feature. You can set-up Flexitime at any time, even after you click Yes to regular dates.

2. Yes!

If you have some dates scheduled in the calendar for your class, then your answer is yes.

How to add dates for your class/workshop

1. My classes run every week

If your class takes place weekly e.g every Monday at 7 pm then select the Recurring dates function. The flow will open and you'll be able to follow the steps to adding your weekly classes. Add them for the entire year - then you won't have to go through this step again till next year!

Once you've added that you can click "Save" and your class will be created straight away!

2. I run regular classes, but at irregular times.

If your class runs regularly but at fairly irregular times with changing location each time then you can just add the dates one at a time with the Singular option. Once you select "once", you'll need to add your dates one by one, and click save each time so you don't lose any of them!

How to add dates for your class/workshop

You first need to select the date, start & end time, class size and price.

As an option you can also make the date "Early access", meaning the date will be hidden from the public link of your class, but available as a private link you can send to whoever you like.

You then must add the Zoom details for your class:

This is the "Invite link" for your meeting in Zoom. If you have a password set, this invite line will have it embedded in, so students don't need to enter the password manually when joining the class. You also will not need to provide the Meeting ID as this is already embedded in the link as well.

How to add dates for your course

If you are adding a course you will have a slightly different lay out when adding dates.

All you have to do is select the day(s) of the week the course runs on, the start date, the interval of weeks between each session, and the total number of weeks the class runs for.

Example 1: A regular weekly course

If the class runs every Monday for 4 weeks, you would tick the Monday box, add the first date that the course starts on, and runs every week for a total of 4 weeks.

Example 2: A weekend course

If the course just runs over one weekend, you would tick both the Saturday and Sunday box, add the first date the course starts on, and runs every week for a total of 1 week.

After you've added your dates, you can click "Save" and your class will be created straight away!

How to add dates for your Term

Adding a Term again has a slightly different layout compared to Classes or Courses.

Choose the dates upon which your Term starts and ends, then pick dates and times within this term.

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