Dos and Don'ts for Teaching Online
Enter the video chat early so that students aren't left waiting for you to arrive.
Check that you are well lit so that students don't have trouble seeing you, and make sure you are not back-lit by a window or lamp behind you.
Speak clearly and slowly, just as you would for an in-person class. This will also help for any students who may have a slow internet connection.
Run through a few Zoom basics with students. You may have some students new to online learning, so it's worth taking them through the mute/unmute, chat and raise hand buttons. Learn more about the basic controls > Here.
Go around the "room" and ask students to introduce themselves. Just like an in-person class, it's nice to start with a few ice-breakers and get to know who is on the class.
Use mute when needed. There may be some students with a bit of disruptive background noise, or it could be a moment when you would like all students muted in order to give certain instructions.
Encourage students to use the "raise hand" feature when they want to ask a question, and set guidelines for things like using a thumbs up to communicate understanding.
Split your class into smaller groups. You can make use of the breakout rooms function to set projects in the class for a smaller number of the participants. Find out how to do this > Here.
Allow students to have their camera turned off. Some students may have an issue turning this on, so be patient, but make sure to encourage all students to be live on camera so you can better interact with them, and they can better interact with each other.
Use mute too much. You want to encourage interaction and questions that can enhance everyone's learning. You don't want the class to turn into a lecture, there are plenty of those online already!
Eat during your class. You may encourage your students to have a tea & biscuit to hand, but make sure you are not doing the same in order to keep your instructions and speech clear.