How do I message an Obby teacher?

There are several ways to contact a teacher, and can vary depending on whether you are enquiring about a specific booking, or just want to make a general enquiry.

Specific Booking enquiries

Immediately upon making a booking, you will receive a message from your teacher with "Pre-class notes" - this can include information such as directions and what clothes you need to wear, or they might need additional information from you e.g. what dress size you are making, what are your potential allergies or menu preferences etc. 

These messages will be sent to you via email, as well as in your Inbox.

If your Teacher has asked for further information, please make sure to respond in a timely manner so the Teacher can prepare for your participation in their class.

If you want to ask your teacher any other questions, you can also easily contact them via the "Contact teacher" button on your My Bookings page.

General enquiries

You can also contact a teacher by clicking on the "Contact teacher" button on their class, or school profile pages.

Please note: a user account is required to contact teachers and should be setup using the same email you used to book your class (if applicable).

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