Class Description Template

  1. Start with a step-by-step bullet-pointed list of what you will learn.

To write something in bullet points use the '-' key as the bullet points.


  • write your first line

  • write your second line

  • write your third line

This will turn into bullet points when you save the class.

In this section, you should also add if people will be fed, or if there'll be refreshments. Here is a great example of what it looks like once on the class page:

Example image of bullet points in action on a class page on Obby

2. A description about what makes your class different and special.

What makes your class different, this is your chance to sell to customers and convince them to attend your class over others. Include special facts about the teacher, the materials used or the venue you are teaching in. We find once we've chatted to a teacher, they have loads of reasons why their class is so fantastic, but there's no point telling us - tell the customer! Write it down.

3. The Venue.

Include some information about the venue and it's location underneath a title. Don't forget to make The Venue bold by placing asterisk either side of it like this, so it looks like a title.:

The venue

People are more likely to feel comfortable booking if they can know about the venue. Write the nearest tube station and include travel time from a central location. e.g '40 minutes from Shoreditch and 20 minutes from Fulham.' If the venue is impressive, has a history or other uses then list these. A venue can often be a big selling point in a workshop, so don't forget to include it.

4. Have you added?

Make sure you've answered these questions in the text you've added on your class page.

  • Is there disabled access?

  • Is this suitable for beginners?

  • Will there be food and drink?

  • What sort of hygiene/safety briefing is required?

  • What should customer wear?

Click below to go to the Any Other Instruction Template to find out what to write next. 

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