What should my Class Title, Type and Category be?

Now you've set up your Profile section, click 'Classes' from the navigation bar and click the 'Add new' button as shown below.

1. Choose your "Class Type."

If your class happens over several separate days, it's a course, if not it's a class. If you want a course with a trial option, pick Termly. The descriptions next to each option should help you figure out what your experience is.

2. Fill in your title with something very simple.

If your class is a Sewing Workshop for Beginners, call it that! This isn't the time for explaining your class, we'll come to that bit later! Keep it short, simple and snappy. That way your class name will show up on the results page well, and your class will look more professional.

3. Now it's time to pick which category your class will sit in.

Choosing your categories is very important, because once you've chosen it, you can't change it.

4. Finally, you need to pick your "Skill Level." This can be found under 'Basic Details' after you create your class.

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