A customer has made a Private Ticket (Flexitime) booking with me - what do I do now?

Firstly, you will receive an email very similar to a regular 'New Booking' email. 

Please make sure to respond to the booking as soon as possible. If you take more than 48 hours to do this, the customer is automatically rejected, and their request and payment is cancelled.

When you click "Respond to this booking" you are then taken to your My Bookings page and from here you can either Confirm, Reschedule or Reject the booking as below:

Confirming a Private Ticket:

  • Simply click 'Confirm' in your dashboard and then click OK!

  • If the location is yet to be determined, you will be given a message box to email the customer asking to arrange the location. This will put you in direct email contact with the customer so please be careful about what you write. 

Rescheduling a Private Ticket:

  • When clicking 'Reschedule' you are not saying no to the customer - this simply means that you cannot teach them at the time and/or date requested. 

  • When you click 'Reschedule' you will be prompted to write a message explaining why you can't accept the booking and then also be given the option to suggest different dates and times (see below):

Please make sure to add as many alternative dates and times as you can to give the customer enough options to choose from. You can add up to 20 different slots, so please take full advantage of this!

  • The customer will then be sent your message and the dates in a new email. If they cannot make any of the suggested alternatives, they can either speak directly back to you or ask for a refund for their booking.

Rejecting a Private Booking:

  • Only click 'Reject' if you categorically cannot teach the customer and do not want to attempt to reschedule. By clicking 'Reject' you will immediately send an email to the customer and release the hold placed on their card.

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