What are Ticket Types and how do I add them to my classes?

What are Ticket Types?

Ticket Types are a way for you to offer staggered and discounted pricing to your classes. Previously only able to set Adult and Child prices, you can now set multiple prices for a class and provide different offers.

For example, if you wanted to offer a Family ticket for 4 at a discounted price, you can set this up for students to only book 1 ticket with 4 guests all at one price.

Another example is an Early Bird discount - want to offer a discounted price for you class for those that book early enough? You can create this as a ticket, and put a time limit on when the ticket can be bought (e.g. up to 1 month before the class date).

An example of staggered pricing would be to add a standard ticket for the class, as well as giving your students the choice to upgrade and receive more as part of their booking (e.g. Standard + lunch, or Standard + terrarium vessel upgrade).

You don't only have to offer different prices, you can also use Ticket Types to offer different versions for the same priced ticket. E.g. a "Lavender scented candle" ticket as well as a "Bay scented candle" ticket. This allows you to manage the availability of each ticket and avoid running out of a particular material.

How do I add and edit my Ticket Types?

Ticket Types are set per class. This means you may need to add the same ticket type twice if you would like to apply it to two different classes, this is similar to setting Flexitime or Bundle bookings, which can only be set at the class level.

N.B. You won't be able to add a timetabled or one-off date for your class unless you have added at least one ticket type (any historical prices added to dates on a class before the 23rd Sept 2021 will automatically be added as a "Standard Ticket" type).

To add a ticket, go to all classes > Manage > Tickets & Pricing.

If you'd like to change the name of an existing 'Standard Ticket' type, simply click the 'Edit Ticket' and you'll see a number of different fields you can edit:

To add a new Ticket Type, click 'Add new ticket' and the edit fields will appear. Once you've filled out all the necessary fields, click save and hey presto - you'll have a new Ticket Type!

How does this look for students when booking?

Students will still be asked to select a Booking Option on the class page (your regular, private(/flexitime) or bundle options) before moving to the dates page.

If you have added multiple Ticket Types with different prices to a date, you'll see the price for the date now says "from £X":

This allows students to see which dates have staggered pricing.

Once they've selected which date, they will be taken to the next page which asks them to select which Ticket Type they would like, and how many of each:

Once selected, they will then move onto a page to enter the student details, and finally the page to add their card details.

Is the adding, editing or booking process of Ticket Types different on the Widget?

No, the process to add and edit are the same on your Dashboard, and the booking process takes students through the same steps.

If you have any further questions, or wish to report an issue, please email us on partners@obby.co.uk

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