Exemptions to COVID Restrictions in Lockdown Easing
Whilst we have tried to provide general guidance for all Obby teachers, some of our teachers will be covered under certain exemptions and therefore may be able to start teaching when others cannot.
Obby Teachers & Students should review the list of exemptions between the 8th March and 12th April 2021* themselves and seek their own legal advise for each individual circumstance where necessary.
To review the Government guidance for exemptions, click here.
It is worth noting that a few exemptions may be of particular importance to a number of Obby teachers, but please read the guidance for exemptions in full:
Childcare and children’s supervised activities can also resume where necessary to enable parents to work or engage in similar activities
From 8 March we expect that every 16 to 19 student (or 19 to 25 with an EHCP) will attend their FE provider in person, and will undertake the majority of their planned hours on site. Adult learners may also return on site. As was the case prior to coronavirus (COVID-19), you should continue to judge the right balance between on-site and remote delivery for adult students in order to provide high quality education and training
*this date is dependant on the Government guidance to further lift restrictions by this date only if the strict conditions are met.
Please note that any guidance we provide, relating to COVID-19 or other regulations, is general advice based on our interpretation of the regulations and official guidance. However, we cannot provide legal advice - teachers seeking legal advice should consult their own lawyers to obtain advice specific to their particular circumstances.